About us

Welcome to Wize Up independent school. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our highly successful and very popular school. Wize Up is an independent school striving to prepare young people to meet the challenges of the contemporary social world which they inhabit.
We encourage all our young people to strive not only for academic success but also to develop their personal learning and thinking skills, coupled with their ability to adapt to a variety of social settings. “Our learning ethos is that intelligence innate, education teaches how to use and apply it”
All young people are encouraged to explore the opportunities available to them and are reassured that everyone's journey is personal, taking different turnings, however they are assured that they are ultimately in control of their own destiny.
All young people are encouraged to develop a sense of belonging within the community achieved by our welcoming and well-ordered environment which our staff team work hard to preserve.
Here at Wize Up we are passionate about adaptive learning, and adopt the phrase “every individual matters” by tailoring education to suit the needs of each young person.
We focus on teaching young people how to modify their behaviour in order to grow into positive, responsible people, who can work and cooperate with others while developing skills and knowledge, to overcome typical issues facing young people, so that they can realise their full potential. This is achieved by equipping our young people with both support and guidance, coupled with a highly tailored curriculum also referred to as our "toolkit of skills for success". All of which could not be accomplished without the support from our partnership with Local Education Authorities, Schools, Parents and Carers in addition to other external agencies.
Our website is aimed at giving you an insight on the environment here at Wize Up, however, we champion our young people and staff team as our most valued and effective advertisement.
Please see our latest Ofsted report by selecting the following link: Wize Up Ofsted Report.
- Our Mission
Wize Up believes that all young people have the right to identify and achieve their full potential. Our young people are empowered to embrace personal responsibility through:
- W = Willingness
- I = Independent
- Z = Zeal
- E = Education
- U = Uplifting
- P = Progress
Willingness and confidence to ask for support when needed and the ability to become Independent rather than dependent, in areas which are identified for each individual.
Zeal to become enthusiastic and have an eagerness to progress in all areas through the Education provided, giving them an opportunity to acquire more knowledge and further understanding.
As a result we believe that the experience at Wize Up will be Uplifting both morally and socially, inspiring young people to achieve. Thus leading to ongoing Progress creating a sense of achievement at every stage.
- Every Child Matters
We are continually reflective of the Every Child Matters initiative when responding to learning needs at Wize Up and strongly advocate reviewing learning styles and individual learning plans when planning schemes. This helps us to adhere to the 5 universal outcomes by ensuring that their personal abilities and circumstances are observed in a healthy and safe environment so they can engage and achieve their potential.
- Students view
We are continually reflective of the Every Child Matters initiative when responding to learning needs at Wize Up and strongly advocate reviewing learning styles and individual learning plans when planning schemes. This helps us to adhere to the 5 universal outcomes by ensuring that their personal abilities and circumstances are observed in a healthy and safe environment so they can engage and achieve their potential.
- Working in partnership with parents
We are very aware of the key role both home and school life have on a young person and therefore make every effort to ensure that parents/carers are involved in every aspect of their young persons time here at Up. This in turn will help to build a strong partnership whereby we can work together with every young person to achieve the best possible results not only academically, behaviourally, socially and emotionally.
Ways parents/carers are involved include:
- Informing Wize Up as early as possible of any concerns they have involving their young person
- Informing Wize Up of any changes at home that may in turn affect the young person here
- Attending meetings arranged i.e. parents update meetings held at termly intervals
- Keeping Wize Up informed of any management strategies that have been put in place at home or otherwise that you feel may benefit the young person while here also
- Ensuring that your young persons' planners are regularly reviewed to check the progress they are making in addition to ensuring they are completing all homework set
- Informing Wize Up of full contact details, medical information and any agencies involved with the young person on their induction and contacting us to update this information should it change.
Please let us have your positive views of Wize Up Independent School.
We know from our own parents evening questionnaires that the vast majority of parents/cares are very happy with their experiences of the school and answering the questions on Parent View is one way that you can let Ofsted know. Ofsted will take your views into account when they next inspect the school and this could be very soon.
Please visit Parent View and help us continue to improve.
Digital technologies have become integral to the lives of children and young people, both within schools and outside school. These technologies are powerful tools, which open up new opportunities for everyone. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and stimulate awareness of context to promote effective learning. Young people should have an entitlement to safe internet access at all times. To help inform parents of ways to assist their young person to stay safe, Wize Up recommend viewing the following information: E-safety parents presentation and E-safety newsletter. We will continue to teach e-safety as an integral part of our curriculum. As part of the Wize Up community our aim is to ensure all parents are fully informed of all aspects related to e-safety and would recommend www.childnet.com and www.thinkuknow.co.uk/parents for further information.
External services available to support young people and parents/carer:
Agency Contact number Childline / NSPCC – free confidential advice 0800 1111 Kooth – Online counselling and support 0808 808 4994 Young Minds – mental health support for young people 0808 802 5544 Mind – mental health 0300 123 3393 Food Cycle – help with groceries/food 0207 729 2775 Samaritans – To talk to someone for personal reason or concerns about others 08457 90 90 90 BEAT - Eating disorders 0808 801 0677 Stress line 0208 544 90 04 LGBT Plus - helpline 0300 330 0630 FRANK – Honest advice on Drugs 0300 123 6600 - Approaches to teaching and learning
We adopt many different teaching approaches here at Wize Up, as our focus is not solely group work, but also students' individual achievements. Building confidence and empowering young people to gain independence and ownership forthe basis of all our teaching approaches. We believe that young people who have confidence and belief in themselves are able to achieve further, nurturing and expanding on information provided to them.
We maintain small class sizes, with high teacher-to-young-people ratios. This enables us to provide the individual attention needed to develop young people's abilities to the fullest. Learning for all young people is customised based on individual learning plans and learning styles which are accessible to all teaching and support-staff in every classroom.
We embrace young people taking responsibility and encourage them to influence their own educational experience. As such, we regularly hold consultations with our young people to ensure that they are receiving an optimum learning experience.
Our teaching approach allows individuals to aim to succeed and reach their full potential.
At Wize Up we encourage all young people to have a “voice” speaking openly and respectfully regarding issues that may concern them in a safe and accepting environment.
We at Wize Up, take supporting our young people and their needs very seriously. At the same time we realise that our staff team as also a very important to us, as such we want to signpost our team to Supporting staff wellbeing in schools.
- Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Inclusion and personal development are an integral part of our educational values at Wize Up. The care and development of young people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) foran important element of our service offered.
The teaching approach we adopt at Wize Up incorporates the strategies based on school action in order to maintain motivation and success of all our young people with and without specific SEN.
Other initiatives that are used to further our commitment to SEN include:
- use of classroom assistants to provide SEN support where appropriate
- a Learning Mentor giving extra focused support to young people on a one to one basis.
Sometimes, with the consent of and in consultation with the parent/carer, we seek the help and advice of the Educational Psychology and Learning Support Services. This can help us access specialist services helping us to provide the best possible care for both young person and their parent/carer depending on the circumstances.
School Action could involve further assessment, additional or different teaching materials or a different way of teaching and it might sometimes include additional adult support. Teachers use Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) to record the different or additional provision to be made for the young person, teaching strategies, short-term targets, success criteria and their achievements.
School Action Plus is where School Action has not helped the child to make adequate progress and the school asks for advice from an outside agency: the local authority's support services; health or social work professionals; a Speech and Language Therapist on a language programme; an Occupational Therapist; or a medical diagnosis and report giving recommendations as to how to work differently with the young person in class.
Maths, English, Handwriting and Spelling Support offers guidance and materials that will ensure effective intervention for young people who experience significant difficulties in mathematics and literacy. These sessions are conducted in a one to one and group setting with the aim of developing self confidence and breaking down previous barriers holding back the young persons progress.
Please click view our Special Education Needs policy and SEND Information Report.
- Pupil Premium
In 2011 the government Introduced the pupil premium, Pupil Premium is a lump sum of money offered for all families on a low income and in receipt of free school meals, adopted from care or a looked after child
Research has shown that families on low income perform less well at school than their peers, and this sum of money has been allocated to encourage greater participation and engagement of the curriculum, well-being of each young person.
Wize Up has acknowledged the need of all their cohort and recognised that a small percentage of young people either drop out of school for the following reason/s:
- Lack of family support
- Low confidence and self esteem
- Poor communication and or language skills
We have introduced a whole school report system that enables our young people to self-evaluate and monitor their performance and engagement. Young people receive daily feedback from their subject teachers on a 1-6 scoring system (1 being cause for concern - 6 being excellent)
The daily reports have shown to be a positive tool that encourages better engagement whilst boosting self-esteem and confidence. Through providing not only a wide curriculum and support throughout the school, the reports enable young people to see at first glances the progress made daily and assess areas of improvement required. The young people meet daily with the Head Teacher to discuss areas they could have performed better, discuss concerns whilst receiving praise and awarded a number of stars for the effort when they have achieved throughout the day. The concerns could range from difficulty with understanding the task to not been challenged enough, feeling unsupported, lack of confidence with working on a new topic or further clarification of task.
Once young people have achieved a certian amount of stars, they are issued with a voucher to the value of fifteen pounds. These achievements are then recorded on to each young persons Individual Learning Plan, accompanied with being presented certificates and any other gifts in assembly.
The report covers key outcomes relating to effort, behaviour, attendance to name a few.
Young people are also able to monitor their own performance by using the same scoring system as subject staff. Young people have reported they like the reporting system which enables instant feedback from staff and having the ability to self-evaluate themselves in each lesson has built confidence and self-esteem.
- Behaviour, Praise and Awards
We understand that young people attending Wize Up may have a variety of issues to work on, and we have therefore collaborated with young people to devise our code of conduct, aiming to make the implementation not only achievable but also relevant as it forthe foundation of our behaviour guidelines. We believe all young people are able to conform, irrespective of various issues they encounter.
We acknowledge that praise fora fundamental part in obtaining and sustaining desired results and therefore endeavour to provide opportunities for young people to receive acknowledgement for improvement, effort and participation. Young people are nominated for “student of the week” by the staff team for areas improved upon or sustained with an overall award given at the end of each term. In addition to this, all young people who have made noticeable adjustments during the academic year are invited to attend an end-of-term trip.
Our inclusive approach allows us to work with young people regardless of what stage they are at, by identifying key areas all young people are able to work towards their own realistic targets. Improvement in key areas such as behaviour is acknowledged through praise. A copy of the behaviour policy is available on request.
- Complaints
Wize Up adopts an open door policy which enables parents/carers who do have concerns to get in contact with us and arrange an appointment to have their views heard in an informal setting. The aim of this is to deal with the problem and outline ways forward so all parties concerned are satisfied with the outcome and forward plans. For the year 2022 – 2023 we received 0 complaints.
However, should parents/carers wish to make a formal complaint they can do so through a set procedure. Please click on Complaints procedure policy to download this document.
- Policy
There are policy documents covering Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy, Health and Safety, Behaviour and Curriculum in addition to other areas, copies of which are held in the office. Parents may consult or request copies of these at any time.
Equal Opportunities
The cultural diversity of our school community is important to us and we consider it in our curriculum planning and in the creation of our school environment. We aim for young people to have a positive self-image and respect for each other's cultural background. Please click on Equal opportunities policy to download this document.
We are committed to ensuring that every individual, at every stage of learning, regardless of their gender reassignment, political beliefs, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, family situation (including pregnant students) or background has access to, and participates in the full curriculum in a way which addresses their needs and abilities.
In line with the Special Educational Needs (SEN) and Disability Act 2001, Wize up adopts an Accessibility Action Plan to certify equal access to the curriculum thus enhancing our ability to respond positively to children with a variety of disabilities. Due to the layout of the building we are currently unable to make improvements affecting the physical access, but will change classrooto accommodate disabilities where possible and necessary. Wize Up admits any pupil according to our Admission Policy whether they have a disability or not.
Our admissions are received directly from schools and Local Education Authorities (LEA) who will, providing there is space make a referral by filling out a referral form and submitting this either via email or fax. We endeavour to make contact on the day the referral is received to arrange an induction with the young person and their parent/carer, schools and any other professional working with the family are welcome to accompany them to this appointment.
We are more then happy to have a telephone consultation with schools/LEA's prior to making a referral. We find that in most cases having a consultation before making the referral is extremely beneficial, not only as this helps to build a relationship with the referring body, it also provides us with the opportunity to obtain an in-depth background on the young person to enable us to identify areas to work towards.
Educating against hate
Data protection
- Other school policies
Other school policies
- Admissions policy
- Marking policy
- Exams policy
- Race equality policy
- DBS policy
- Invigilators handbook
- Health and safety risk assessment policy
- E-safety policy
- Young persons/parent/carers acceptable use agreement
- Staff acceptable use agreement
- Physical intervention policy
- Attendance policy
- Staff Code of Conduct
- Confidentiality Policy
- Anti bullying policy
- Behaviour policy
- First aid policy
- Health and safety policy
- Supporting Young people with Medical conditions Policy
- RSE Policy
- Health and Safety Policy for Pupils on Education Visits
- Curriculum coverage at Wize Up
- Wize Up School Fire Safety
- Access Arrangements Policy
- Accessibility Action Plan
- English as an Additional Language
- E-Safety
Information, communication technologies are an integral part of every aspect of life in today’s society, both within educational establishments and beyond in the world at large. The Internet and other digital/information technologies open up new opportunities for everyone. Online communication helps teachers and pupils learn from each other. Online learning is fundamental to achieving our goals of raising standards; improving efficiency; preparing our students effectively for the future; and improving their life chances.
We aim to ensure that:
- The effective use of technologies is embedded into the curriculum so that it enhances both learning and teaching
- Students and staff are confident and competent users of technologies
- Staff have access to a range of ICT resources to improve productivity and efficiency
- Students and staff have access to new and emerging technology and are confident in taking measured risks
- All students and all staff continually improve and develop ICT skills
- Students and staff understand how to stay safe when using technology and are able to use technology appropriately
- Technology is used to create and promote links both nationally and internationally
- ICT is used to enhance effective communication with parents and the wider community
- The use of technology is encouraged to reduce our carbon foot print
- We offer and demonstrate ‘best value’ in our use of technology.
It is recognised at Wize Up that as ICT software and hardware is progressing exponentially it is essential as educators that we develop sustainable, robust, and adaptable technical infrastructures that can cope with new and emerging technologies, changes in national policy and in educational practice of the future. These technologies can stimulate discussion, promote creativity and increase awareness of context to promote effective learning. However, the use of these new technologies can put young people at risk within and outside the school. Some of the dangers they may face include:
- Access to illegal, harmful or inappropriate images or other content
- Unauthorised access to, loss of or sharing of personal information
- The risk of being subject to grooming by those with whom they make contact on the Internet
- The sharing/distribution of personal images without an individual’s consent or knowledge
- Inappropriate communication/contact with others, including strangers
- Cyber-bullying
- Access to unsuitable video/Internet games
- An inability to evaluate the quality, accuracy and relevance of information on the Internet
- Plagiarism and copyright infringement
- Illegal downloading of music or video files.
Online safety
- Staff list
Names Responsibilities L Boyd Headmistress P Boyd Finance Manager K Richardson Deputy Head K Bussett Pastoral and Curriculum Lead K Thomas Operations Executive L Wiggins Administration Assistant S Barker Administration Assistant M Wilkes SENCO T McGowan English Teacher S Knight English Teacher A Furrs Maths Teacher A Oyewale Citizenship and RE Teacher R Bala Science Teacher J Henry PSHE Lead Q Liu Music Teacher (Trainee) A Axinte French Teacher and Careers support(Trainee) A Alabi Year 11 (Head) / Teaching Assistant A Kamadilu Year 10 (Head) / Teaching Assistant J Mayhew Year 11 (Head) / Teaching Assistant (SEN) J Kellman Year 7-9 (Head) / Teaching Assistant A Olu Year 10 (Head) / Maths booster lead (SEN) M Moutouna Year 7-9 (Head) / Teaching Assistant M Meader 1-2-1 Teaching Assistant S Russo 1-2-1 Teaching Assistant (SEN) B Kent 1-2-1 Teaching Assistant / Mindfulness Lead Y Williams Dinner lady